Monday 9 January 2012

Highly Detailed Finished Piece – Still Life drawing showing Composition

Still Life Drawing showing Composition - Final Piece
A3 Size

The aim of this drawing was to set up a still life scene with a composition of different objects. I decided to use objects that were meaningful to me for example, movies of my favourite actress, a family photo and my stack of music. I used pencil to create this drawing as I knew I would be able to create more, finer detail than I would if I used a material like charcoal.

I chose a composition that would make all the objects stand out and so that there were no kissing lines. The composition of these objects fills out the whole page which means there needn’t be a lot of room for the background.

I also added a mirror into this drawing to create a reflection of these objects because I thought it would make a very interesting picture. The reflection of these different objects created obscure images of the objects they were reflecting. The glass picture frame created the most obscure reflection within the image behind it and because it was an image of a face it made it more visible. I put a lot of time into getting these reflections right and also within the shading upon the metal objects in this drawing.

I wanted something more to stand out in this drawing which is why I decided to add some colour to it. I chose to use coloured crayons to create the flower and also the candles and I think these make it a stronger drawing throughout and are the main focal point within this drawing.

The most challenging part of this drawing was creating the obscurity within the reflections of this drawing and to shade the metal objects to make them look shiny. I would have liked to have been able to shade the metal objects more accurately as this was the most challenging part I found within this drawing and is something I will practice on in the future.

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