Sunday 13 November 2011

Week 3 - Composition

Compositional Dawing from inside Building - 45 min
A3 Size

For this 45 minute sketch I used pencil and also a putty rubber. The main focal point of this drawing is what would be the banister. This travels straight from the middle left side of the page to the right. The eye is also drawn towards what looks like a floating staircase. The Vantage Point was really hard to draw because there were lots of little details that I tried to pick out and there were also a lot of separate objects that were made to seem like they were one single object.
In this drawing I concentrated on trying to get the form right also creating the illusion of light and dark. Like with my other Perspective drawing I struggled with getting the lines straight from free hand. In this drawing my lines still look curved which is not what I wanted. However, I did try and pick up on the shadows within this drawing and used a putty rubber to bring out the lightest parts of the drawing to make it look more real to life.
With this drawing I struggled with getting the composition right. To improve this drawing I would concentrate more on the form and getting all my lines in the correct places before adding detail to my sketch.

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