Monday, 14 November 2011

Week 4 - Light & Shadow

Creating Light & Shadow from Drapery - 10 mins
A3 Size

This is a quick 10 minute sketch of a piece of drapery draped over two stools and a table. Within 10 minutes I was able to get in the composition of these objects and create very minimal shading. I had a great Vantage point for this drawing as the drapery created a lot of interesting shapes that I was able to pick up on.

Creating Light & Shadow from Drapery - 15 mins
A3 Size

For this 15 minute sketch I switched positions to get a different Vantage point. With practice from my previous sketch I was able to get in a lot more shading to create the light and shadow effect. The focal point for this sketch would be where the drapery ends and creates very dark shadows in-between the drapery and the stools. Although I was able to get in more detail within this sketch and create more light and shadow I believe the vantage point for this sketch was not as good as my previous. There wasn’t as much form to go about and I had less shapes to draw with this Vantage point than the previous. This made me feel less comfortable drawing this.

Creating Light & Dark from Drapery - 32 mins
A3 Size

Now that I have had practice with two other reasonably quick sketches I went on to create a drawing where I could add more detail creating more light and shadow. Again like my other two drawings I switched positions to get a new Vantage point. Like my previous drawing I didn’t feel as comfortable with this Vantage point compared to the first. However, this Vantage point gave me a lot of shadows with the two light sources facing the back to where I was facing and also the top. This created very dark shadows towards the bottom of the drapery and also in-between the stools. The drapery creates a focal point which starts at the very top and flows down to the very bottom where the drapery ends. There are a lot of interesting shapes that the drapery creates with the light and shadow which I tried to pick up on.
Although, I had improved from my previous sketches I would have liked to have gotten in some more detail to really pick out the darkest shadows from the lightest using my pencil and putty rubber to create to overall form of this image.

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