Tuesday 13 December 2011

Week 10 - Anatomy & Movement

Life Drawing of the Human Anatomy & Movement - 25 mins
A3 Size

This is a 25 minute sketch using pencil. The focus in this image was movement however there is very little movement in this drawing as the figure is sitting down in an upward, kind of stiff position. The lines in this drawing are very long and straight which create very little movement or shape. However, we also focused on gesture and in this drawing you can see the figure is confident and calm. The model is sitting up straight and looking upwards showing confidence rather than looking down at the floor.

I had a good vantage point as I was positioned looking towards the front and the side of the model which makes me able to draw his chest and face where I think the most detail lies. I was able to get some shading into this sketch to show the details of and shape of the models body.

I would have liked to have been able to get more shading into this drawing to create more detail. I would also like to change the table that the model is sitting on as I don’t believe this is the right size or shape as the model looks like he is about to fall of the edge of it.

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