Tuesday 13 December 2011

Week 11 - Musculature

Life Drawing of Musculature - 5 mins
A3 Size

The aim of these images was to focus on the muscularity of the human form. This is 5 minute sketch of the model in a twisted position. This image shows good form as you can clearly see that the body is in a twisted in a very beautiful position. With more time I would have liked to have picked out the detail of the muscles in the body from the light and shadow.

Life Drawing of Musculature - 20 mins
A3 Size

This image was focusing on the chest and shoulders of the model. Using charcoal and a putty rubber I tried to pick out details of the muscles in this 20 minute sketch. There were definite areas of light and shadow that showed the muscle very clearly. However, I don’t think I got this entirely right as the arms look to big for the size of the body and the neck looks to long. With better proportions I think this sketch would have turned out better.

Life Drawing of Musculature - 7 mins
A3 Size

This 7 minute sketch was focusing on the lower part of the leg and the foot. I had a good vantage point as I was able to see underneath the foot where I could pick out the most detail. Using charcoal I was able to create shadows to show where the muscles were for example in the calf muscle of the back of the leg. This really stuck out as the model was tensing this part of his body. I like the detail in the models foot however; it was actually bigger than what I had drawn it. If I drew the foot bigger then the whole proportions of this drawing would have been a lot stronger.

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