Monday 5 December 2011

Week 7 - Texture

Texture Drawing of Various Objects - 1 hour
A3 Size

This is a 1 hour sketch I drew from my own directed study using pencil. The focus in this image was on texture and I wanted to choose objects with different textures so I could get a comparison between them all. I wanted a tight composition where all the objects would be close together so that the different textures would be evident.

The main focal point in this image is the darkness of the Pepsi can and also the detail within the wicker basket. The eye is immediately drawn to these objects. This is what I wanted so that the viewer would concentrate on them and not on the blank background in the back. Having an empty background makes my drawing stand out even more.

However, this drawing is not perfect and there would be things that I could improve upon. I would have liked to have gotten more detail upon the cloth to make it stand out more like the wicker basket and I also think the shape of the Pepsi can is wrong as it is too fat and the edges are too sharp.

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